What prevents you from doing exercise? - How to lose fat fast

What prevents you from doing exercise?

What prevents you from doing exercise?
What are the factors as to why don’t you exercise?
  • Depression and a lack of motivation associated with that.
  • Fitting it in to my daily routine can sometimes make exercise difficult. I am at my best around midday so try and do my exercise then. If the weather is horrible I won’t exercise outside.
  • My brain struggles to switch off to exercise... I keep thinking of the work I should be doing. 
  •  Childcare limitations; injury; having the time.
  • Lack of motivation and lack of energy.
  • Not having anyone to go with, would rather not go alone.
  • 1-If the weather is particularly bad I won’t take the dogs out for a walk.
  • Time, feeling tired, people to train with, lack of motivation.
What prevents you from doing exercise
What prevents you from doing exercise
What do you dislike about doing exercise/ activities? 
  •  Nothing nowadays. I used to feel very self-conscious,which was a reason not to go to a gym.
  • Being depressed was a factor in not having the motivation or energy to exercise; however, finding something I enjoy and initially having someone to go with to encourage me was really important and helpful.
  • I don’t like doing too much of the same thing as I get bored. This is the reason I do running, walking and karate. It gives me some variety. I change running routes and training plans, for example may do hill training one day, 5k another day, fartlek another day.
  • I struggle with time out specifically for the gym as my brain won’t switch off to what needs to be completed at work; I suppose that boils down to, rightly or wrongly, me feeling my time could be spent better doing other things.
  • Monetary cost.
  • If it’s cold or wet outside it’s not as enjoyable!
  • The hassle of changing, going to gym, showering, etc. Sometimes the cost.


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